Appraise staff using KPAs / KPIs along with job descriptions documents and performance agreements.

Real-time performance measurement, which can be collated and compared with department performance.

Secret Sauce
Employees electronically sign their performance agreement, set training requirements and goals.





Appraisal Management Software

A staff Appraisal System gives a 360 degree appraisal and is an objective method of evaluating the efficiency of staff, management and supervisors. It uses input from all levels of staff to get a clear appraisal and is a distinct and formal work performance evaluation system.

Intoweb's Appraisal Management Software allows for effective planning of appraisals, structuring and record keeping of the meetings, and an overall view of the employee's growth, as well as helping to identify employees' work-related weaknesses, which can be turned around into strengths and increase the value of the personnel to that company. This system can be integrated into all the other Intoweb modules.


Benefits of using Intoweb's Appraisal Software?

  • The Intoweb Staff Appraisal System can be a standalone version or part of a larger HR package.

  • The Appraisal Management Software runs online. Using your unique login and password allows you to access any information from anywhere in the world at any given time, as long as you have Internet access. This allows employees to also access the information on their own time if they want to.

  • Needing a specific appraisal? The Appraisal Management Software is fully customisable to suit the needs of your business.

  • The Appraisal Management Software can be fully integrated with any of the other Intoweb Systems.


General Features of the Intoweb Appraisal Management Software

  • The system has full access to a company staff list

  • Appraisals are structured according to department, divisions and even other companies under your umbrella company

  • Search the required employee

  • All interviews, goals, and outcomes are documented and archived

  • Dates for upcoming appraisals have been set and completed

  • Use standardised KPI’s as per you company

  • Dates and details of post and previous appraisals are recorded

  • Draw reports

  • Upcoming appraisals shown


Related Info

Here is a list of some other Intranet Systems you may find useful

Our Clients

Kyalami, Midrand Sales (HR / Intranet) 065 975 2052 / Sales (LMS / financial) 081 4366 799

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