Manage the recruitment process from creating vacancies to sourcing CV's, filling vacancies and archiving information

Report CV's, applications, rejections accepted applications

Secret Sauce
Integrate with preassessment software





Recruitment System 

Intoweb's Recruitment System has taken the frustration out of recruiting staff. No more endless CV's, less paperwork, easy process flows and simplified advertising. Every recruiter is well aware of what a nightmare the filtering process can be when you receive hundreds of applications. For example, you advertise for a position with specific criteria, only to find that 80% of people don't even meet your basic requirements. With Intoweb's Recruitment System, you can do pre-assessments of potential candidates and thus filter out unsuitable applications BEFORE they come across your desk.


What are the benefits of using Intoweb's Recruitment Software?

  • You can purchase the Recruitment Module as a standalone version; you don't have to buy the entire Human Resource System.
  • The Human Resource Recruitment System runs online, which allows you to access any information from anywhere in the world at any given time, as long as you have Internet access. Keeping a handle on your business has never been this easy.
  • The Recruitment System can be integrated into your website; thus, you can advertise on your website for a position, and people can also apply online. All updates are received on your internal Recruiment System where you can manage all applications. Of course, you can also choose to show vacancies to staff only.
  • The Recruitment System is fully customisable to suit the needs of your business.


General Features

  • Promote a list of positions available within the company
  • Provide information on the position advertised by the company
  • Manage vacancies available in the company
  • Handle the vacancy process from application to acceptance or rejection
  • Set up interviews with prospective candidates
  • Compile assessment criteria for vacant positions
  • Maintain a database of all candidate application

Depending on a user's access level rights, they will be able to:

  • Add an upcoming vacancy in the company onto the Recruitment System
  • Create new vacancies within a company and manage existing vacancies
  • View appointments made to interview prospective candidates
  • Set up assessments for prospective candidates

A user will be able to manage the applications they have received for various job vacancies. The user will have a list that sets out:

  • the name and surname of the applicant
  • the vacancy an applicant has applied for
  • the start date of the vacancy
  • the status of the applicant in the application process assessment
  • shortlisted, interviews, and the expiry date of application



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Related Info

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Our Clients

Kyalami, Midrand Sales (HR / Intranet) 065 975 2052 / Sales (LMS / financial) 081 4366 799

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