End-to-end solution that helps companies maintain a comprehensive asset register, track asset status and usage, and monitor depreciation and maintenance, integrating seamlessly with other Intoweb modules to support efficient resource management and secure information access.
rovides critical insights on asset utilization, depreciation, and maintenance schedules, helping organizations optimize asset use
Secret Sauce
Integrates into bar scanning software
Intoweb's Asset Management Software System records and can track your company assets. The asset management software is vital to keep track of which assets are active and in use, or not; and recording value and depreciation. Assets are recorded and categorised, and information such as purchase or supplier information, cost and current users and those under warranty.
The reports facility enables you to generate customised reports. Reports are generated according to division / department and categories
The Asset Management System can be integrated with Intoweb’s Procurement Management and Human Recourses Management systems