
Enterprise Intranet
Manage your company efficiently at any size using software which streamlines and formalises tasks, administration and information

Membership Management
Created for enterprises to efficiently manage membership details including contact details and financial

Workflow Management
Create and follow the processes needed in your company, tthe Workflow software accurately helps to show the flow and efficiency of processes.


Security Module for Intowebs Intranet Software

The Security module for Intowebs Intranet is an essential component to the Intoweb module packages as it determines the security access rights to the Intranet software. The Security module software in short is the barrier between the users and the public protecting your information where needed and giving access to the intranet  where needed. All the Intoweb Intranet software modules are "rights" based which means that all modules require access to certain elements, even if the public can view certain parts, the module administator needs to have different rights to add in the material. 

Why would my company need to know about the security module?   

This is where your users are added, passwords are changed and access is granted, which means you would add information in on the Security module for certain functions. 


General Security Module Features

  • User friendly

  • Each user can select and change their own passwords

  • Add users onto the intranet / intranet module

  • Disables users on the Intranet

  • Controls access passwords and usernames

  • LDAP and Active directory compatible

  • Microsoft and Linux server compatible

  • Access rights determined by the security administrator

  • Access rights are module specific

  • Access rights can be different for each software module

  • Import function: User data can be imported for mass entries

  • Search function to access personnel

  • Mass password option

Security Software Setup

Configuration of security software

  • Categories can be configured for divisions, departments of company or umbrella organisations and subcompanies

  • Job titles are configured and can be linked to rights and other modules eg HR 

  • Configuring Divisions: setting up departments within a division
  • Reports: Outstanding Information Report which shows outstanding employee information from the Intranet listed employees. Select the category that needs completion and all members whose information is not complete will be listed. Information can be modified, edited enabled/ disabled.

  • Security reports - who has accessed the intranet and how frequently, per department and division

  • Country specific holiday/special day management: Country specific public holidays are added in the field provided and removed/ deleted and can be country specific. These will be integrated through all the modules (leave/ calendar).

  • List staff with Intranet access

  • Individual intranet security profile management

  • Read more about Intranet Security



Easy links to security pages
List intranet users
Add Intranet user
Search to activate/disable a user

Intranet usage roles examples
Import function to add users

Change Passwords
Report System Usage

Integrating Biometric and Fingerprint to Intranets

Our Clients

Kyalami, Midrand Sales (HR / Intranet) 065 975 2052 / Sales (LMS / financial) 081 4366 799

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Intowebs network: Intoweb Design